Transferable Skills Reference List

This reference list has been prepared as a courtesy to customers of SkillTRAN, LLC and others.  It should be useful to help establish the longevity and prevalence of the use of WORK fields and Materials, Products, Subject Matter, and Services (MPSMS) as an industry standard in transferable skills analysis.  It also includes citations for many published sources of occupational information.  Customers may find this useful in responding to a Daubert challenge.

Bainbridge, D.B. (2001). Letter to James F. Woods, Chief of the Division of Evaluation and Skills Assessment, Office of Policy and Research, Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor.

Bast, S., Williams, J.M., & Dunn, P.L.  (2002).  The Classic Model of Transferability of Work Skills:  Issues Affecting the Accurate Assessment of Future Vocational Options in Earnings Capacity Assessment.  Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis,  5, 15-28.

Botterbusch, K.F. (1983).  A Comparison of Computerized Job Matching Systems.  Menomonie, WI:  Materials Development Center.

Botterbusch, K.F. (1986).  A Comparison of Computerized Job Matching Systems (2nd Ed.).  Menomonie, WI:  Materials Development Center.

Botterbusch, K.F.  (1993). Suggestions for revisions in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.  Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin  26, 101-110.

Brown, C., McDaniel, R., Couch, R, and McClanahan, M. (1994).  Vocational Evaluation Systems and Software:  A Consumer’s Guide.  Menomonie, WI:  Materials Development Center.

Cain, P.S. & Green, B.F. (1983).  Reliabilities of Selected Ratings Available from the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 68(1), 155-165.

Cannelongo, J. (2000a).  IARP Response to O*NET Data Collection Proposal.  Fall, 2000.  Retrieved June 1, 2003 from

Cannelongo, J.  (2000b). Update on O*NET. Spring, 2000. Retrieved June 1, 2003 from

Cannelongo, J., Lechner, D., Keener, J., Carter, G., & Johnson, J. (2002). Feasibility of Internet-BasedTraining and Reliability of Internet-Trained Job Analysts. Washington DC: Aguirre International (Under U.S. Department of Labor Contract BB-12266-02-03).

Darling, W.T., Growick, B.S., & Kontosh, L.G.  (2002).  Transferable Skills Analysis in Rehabilitation:  Issues in definition and application.   Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 17, 217-224.

Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc., US Supreme Court, 92-102 (1993).

Dennis, M.L. and Dennis, K.L. (1998)  Job search software under Daubert:  Will it withstand scrutiny as part of expert opinion?  Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis, 1 (3), pp. 19-28.

Dunn, P.L. (2000).  Congruence of occupational classifications between work history and placement.  Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Journal  32 (2), pp. 119-127.

Dunn, P.L., & Growick, B.S.  (2000).  Transferable Skills Analysis in Vocational Rehabilitation:  Historical Foundations, Current Status, and Future Trends.  Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation 14, 79-87.

Dunn, P.L. & Kontosh, L.G.  (2002).  Understanding Transferability and Occupational Classifications:  Implications for vocational forensics.  Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis, 5, 41-48.

Elliott, J. (1983). Some limitations of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles data base. In K. Botterbusch, A comparison of computerized job matching systems. Menomonie, WI: Materials Development Center.

Field, T.F. (1999).  Strategies for the rehabilitation consultant:  Transferability, loss of employment, lost earning capacity, Damages.  Athens, GA: Elliott & Fitzpatrick.

Field, T.F. (2002).  Transferable Skills Analysis:  A common sense approach.  Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis, 5, 29-39.

Field, T.F. & Sink, J. (1980). The VDARE training manual.  Athens, GA: Elliott & Fitzpatrick, Inc.

Field, T.F. & Weed, R.O. (1989).  Transferable Work Skills.  Athens, GA:  Elliott & Fitzpatrick, Inc.

Fine, S.A.  (1955).  A structure of worker functions, Personnel and Guidance Journal, 34(2) 1-7.

Fine, S.A.  (1957a).  A reexamination of “transferability of skills” – Part 1, Monthly Labor Review 80(7) 803-810.

Fine, S.A.  (1957b).  A reexamination of “transferability of skills” – Part 2, Monthly Labor Review 80(7) 938-948.

Fine, S.A. & Heinz, C.A. (1958).  The Functional Occupational Classification Structure.  Personnel and Guidance Journal.  37(3) 180-192.

Gibson, G.G., Earhart, J.H., and Lento, P.J.  (2002).  Toward a Foundation for Determining Loss of Earning Capacity: Transferability of Skills Definition, Method, and Application.  Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis 5, 5-14.

Heitzman, A.M., Meltzer, J.M., Paquette, S., Schneck, G.R., Truthan, J. A call to update the DOT: Findings of the IARP Occupational Database Committee. The Rehabilitation Professional 17(2), 63-84.

International Association of Rehabilitation Professionals.  (200).  O*NET - What is really going on?  IARP-O*NET Committee Report - 1/10/02.  Retrieved June 1, 2003, from

Kinnaman v. Ford Motor Co., 200 US Dist. Lexis 235, No. 4: 98CV269, Jan 10, 2000.

Kontosh, L.G. (1999).  Methodological Processes, Utilization Patterns, and Perceived Levels of Self-Efficacy in the Execution of Transferable Skills Analysis by Forensic Rehabilitationists:  A Descriptive Study.  Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Ohio State University.

Kontosh, L.G. (1995, March).  Should there be a national standard of assessing transferable work skills:  The limits of the social security model.  In R.R. Fry (Ed.), The issues papers.  Seventh National Forum on Issues in Vocational Assessment (pp. 65-68). Menomonie:  University of Wisconsin-Stout  The Rehabilitation Resource.

Kontosh, L.G. (2000).  Transferable skills analysis: Utilization, methods, and perceived self-efficacy by rehabilitation professionals using Poisson regression analysis of count data.  Dissertation Abstracts International, 61A(05), 1810 (UMI No.99-71583).

Kontosh, L.G. & Wheaton, J. (2003).  Transferable skills analysis and standards of practice:  Wherever the two shall meet?  Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis, 6(1), 41-48.

Levine, C and Salmon, L. (1999).  The 1998 SOC:  Bridge to occupational classification in the 21st century.  Occupational Outlook Quarterly.  43(3), 27-33.

Mariani, M.  (1999).  Replace with a Database:  O*NET Replaces the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.  Occupational Outlook Quarterly.  43(1), 3-9.

McCroskey, B., Wattenbarger, W., Field, T,. & Sink, J.  (1977). The Vocational Diagnosis and Assessment of Residual Employability.  Athens, GA:  Authors.

Miller, A.R., Treiman, D.J., Cain, P.S., & Roos, P.A.  (1980).  Work, Jobs, and Occupations:  A Critical Review of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.  Washington, DC:  National Academy Press.

O*NET Consortium.  (n.d.).  O*NET Consortium – Content Model.  Retrieved June 1, 2003 from

Peterson, Norman G., et al, eds.  An Occupational Information System for the 21st Century: The Development of O*NET. Washington, D. C., American Psychological Association, 1999.

Saxon, J.P. & Spitznagel, R.J. (1995).  Transferable skills and abilities profile:  An economical assessment approach in the vocational placement process.  Vocational Evaluation and Work Adjustment Bulletin, 28(3), 61-67.

Sink, J.M. & Field, T.F. (1981). Vocational assessment, planning, and jobs.  Athens, GA: Vocational Service Bureau.

Social Security Administration. (1999a).  Letter Number 507, June 30, 1999. Memorandum to the Disability Determination Services Administrators from the Associate Commissioner for Disability, Kenneth D. Nibali. Subject: Current Status of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). Baltimore, MD: Social Security Administration, Office of Disability.

Social Security Administration. (1999b).  December 3, 1999 Memorandum to Headquarters Executive Staff, Administrative Appeals Judges, Regional Chief Administrative Law Judges, Administrative Law Judges, Supervisory Staff Attorneys from the Associate Commissioner for Hearings and Appeals, Rita S. Geier.  Subject: Current Status of the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) and the Occupational Information Network (O*NET). Falls Church, VA: Social Security Administration, Office of Hearings and Appeals.

Social Security Rulings.  (2000).  Titles II and XVI:  Use of Vocational Expert and Vocational Specialist Evidence, and Other Reliable Occupational Information in Disability Decisions.  SSR 00-4p Policy Interpretation Ruling.  Retrieved June 1, 2003, from

Stewart, W., Chribon, R. & Ososko, J. (1988).  Understanding vocational disability:  A critical issues in the adjudication of disability related problems.  Journal of Rehabilitation,  1(54), 24-32.

Truthan, J.A. (1989).  Job Matching Systems:  One difference is the data.  In R. Fry (Ed.), The Issues Papers:  Fourth National Forum on Issues in Vocational Assessment (pp 133-139).  Menomonie, WI:  University of Wisconsin-Stout, Materials Development Center. 

Truthan, J.A. (1993).  The 1991 Revised DOT:  What’s new and different and its impact on traditional evaluation techniques.  In R. Fry (Ed.), The Issues Papers:  Sixth National Forum on Issues in Vocational Assessment (pp 123-131).  Menomonie, WI:  University of Wisconsin-Stout, Materials Development Center.  

Truthan, J.A. (2021). Computer-assisted vocational guidance and job matching. Chapter 14. In Strauser, D. R. (2nd ed.). Career development, employment, and disability in rehabilitation: From theory to practiceNew York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC. 

Truthan, J.A. & Field, T. (2014). Computer-based vocational guidance and job matching systems. Chapter 15. In Strauser, D. R. (Ed.). Career development, employment, and disability in rehabilitation: From theory to practice (2nd ed.). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company, LLC. 

Truthan, J.A. & Karman, S.E. (2003). Transferable skills analysis and vocational information in a time of transition.  Journal of Forensic Vocational Analysis, 6(1), 17-25.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1939). Dictionary of Occupational Titles (1st ed.).  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1944). Dictionary of Occupational Titles (1st ed., Part IV, Entry Occupational Classification).  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1949). Dictionary of Occupational Titles (2nd ed.).  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1965a). Dictionary of Occupational Titles: Definitions of Titles.  Volume 1 (3rd ed.).  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1965b). Dictionary of Occupational Titles: Occupational Classification and Industry Index.  Volume 2 (3rd ed.).  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1966). A Supplement to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (3rd ed.):  Selected Characteristics of Occupations (Physical Demands, Working Conditions, Training Times).  Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. Manpower Administration.  (1972). The Handbook for Analyzing Jobs.  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1977). Dictionary of Occupational Titles (4th ed.).  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1981). Selected Characteristics of Occupations Defined in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles.  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1986). Supplement to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (4th ed.).  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1991a). Dictionary of Occupational Titles (4th ed. revised).  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1991b). The Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs.  Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor. (1993a). The new DOT:  A database of occupational titles for the twenty-first century. Advisory Panel for the Dictionary of Occupational Titles: Employment and Training Administration. 

U.S. Department of Labor. (1993b).  Selected Characteristics of Occupations Defined in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. (Revised ed.). Washington, D.C.:  US Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor.  (2001).  SOC Implementation Schedule.  Retrieved June 1, 2003 from

U.S. Department of Labor. (2000). O*NET Consortium – Data Collection.  Retrieved June 1, 2003 from

See also web page retrieved June 1, 2003 from

U.S. Department of Labor. (2002a). Information Collection Request Submitted to the Office of Management and Budget. Fed. Reg., Vol. 67, No. 149, p. 50470. August 2, 2002.  Available from

Documentation available from

U.S. Department of Labor. (2002b). Occupational Outlook Handbook – 2002-2003.  Washington, D.C.:  U.S. Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Labor.  (n.d.a).  About O*NET.  Retrieved June 1, 2003 from

U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.b).  O*NET Consortium – Frequently Asked Questions.  Retrieved June 1, 2003 from

U.S. Department of Labor. (n.d.c).  O*NET Consortium – Frequently Asked Questions. Retrieved June 1, 2003 from

U.S. Office of Management and Budget. (1999).  Standard Occupational Classification (1998 revision): Final decisions. Fed. Reg., Vol. 64, No. 189, p. 53135-53163.  September 30, 1999.  Retrieved June 1, 2003 from

Available from

Watters, George M.  (1985).  Vocational computer systems and the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (A critical analysis).  Journal of Applied Rehabilitation Counseling, 16(4), 10-14.

Weed, R.O., & Field, T. F. (2001).  Rehabilitation Consultant’s Handbook.  Athens, GA:  Elliott & Fitzpatrick.