Real Job Openings

Now available in the Job Browser Pro and OASYS web-based services and all SkillTRAN PC products (except OccuBrowse)!

Imagine how long it would take to manually visit thousands of web sites (all the big job boards plus newspapers, small sites and various company web sites). Now reduce that impossible task to just a few seconds and you will understand the power and time efficiency this new feature brings to your job search and labor market survey arsenal. Millions of current job openings are catalogued in this service, pulled from many different sources. Updates occur daily! 

By providing one simple interface to all these sites, customers can save huge amounts of expensive research time often spent registering and then digging through a favored small handful of specific sites. Matching results are consolidated into a single list, conveniently arranged by company and posting source to expedite your subsequent labor market calls. There is no distracting advertising ... this is a professional portal to - but done in a way to fine tune your searching by automatically adding the appropriate O*NET code to the search request.  This really helps to reduce the chaff in search results.

Our web-based Job Browser Pro and OASYS services link to 6 job search engines!

  • Indeed
  • Find.Jobs
  • Simply Hired
  • Career Builder
  • Linked In
  • Glass Door