We now offer two kinds of Web-Based Services: Pay-As-You-Go and Annual Subscription.

  1. Pay-As-You-Go: Transferable Skills Service (TSS) - Designed for occasional users of occupational and labor market information, web-based services are a great way to "dip your toes in the water" to generate some super reports on a fee-per-report basis. Pricing is reasonable. Do-it-yourself services are available 24 x 7. No charge for re-run of the same type of report on the same client. As your business volume grows, expand your repertoire of tools by subscribing to our great line of web-based software.
  2. Annual Subscription: For those who need frequent access to occupational and labor market information and some versatile Worker Trait Searches for handling hypotheticals and other inquiries, OccuBrowse Web and OASYS Web are now available for easy access from any internet browser on any device (PC/Mac/Tablet/Smart Phone) and all popular operating systems, including Window, Mac, iOS, and Android
    Details by product:
         - OccuBrowse Web - Our ENTRY LEVEL product - Great for occupational reference, career exploration, worker trait searches, group employment numbers and wages from the latest available Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics - OEWS (National/State/Local) data. 
         - Job Browser Pro Web - Our INTERMEDIATE LEVEL product - All the features of OccuBrowse Web PLUS: More searches by occupational group, employment numbers estimated at the DOT level of precision, Industry Analyzer with Current Employment Statistics (CES), County Business Patterns (CBP), Historical Employment Trends, and Staffing Patterns by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) to compare/contrast OEWS numbers with CBP employment numbers, O*NET Career Videos, and quick linkage to 6 different Job Search engines. Very special Labor Market Analysis report within the commute radius of an address. Job Browser Pro also has a quick one-button click to all available Occupational Requirements Data (ORS) for the SOC group associated with a DOT occupation. These are tools optimized for use by vocational experts, career counselors, rehabilitation counselors, and claimant representatives who want to fact check testimony.
         - OASYS Web - Our EXPERT LEVEL product - All the features of Job Browser Pro Web PLUS: Unlimited Transferable Skills Searches (multiple levels of search precision by WORK Fields and Materials, Products, Subject Matter and Services (MPSMS), by Occupational Group Arrangement, by SOC Groups from work history, by Guide for Occupational Exploration (GOE) codes from Work History, by DOT Industry codes from work history, or a "dot-it-all" search at once! These searches can be further refined to screen out occupations that pay less than an hourly amount you choose (helpful for worker compensation/LTD/RTW cases) and/or that are Stable or Growing in long term outlook, or just Growing only. You choose the US labor market you need. Comprehensive reports that you can create and even save that format for specific case types/referral services! OASYS Web is the ultimate tool for higher volume users (who need more than 16 Transferable Skills Reports per year).

SOS - SkillTRAN WEB-BASED Services ...Available NOW !!!

SkillTRAN is delighted to continue to offer the most powerful suite of web-based products ever assembled for rehabilitation, forensic, and career professionals. These are time-tested, integrated, defensible, and sensible reports, like none other. SkillTRAN's model of transferable skills analysis pioneered the "Classic Model" of transferability, using the Social Security definition of skills transferability (WORK fields and MPSMS codes). The Social Security definition in the Code of Federal Regulations - 20 CFR 404.1568(d) is the only legal definition of skills transfer known to SkillTRAN. Many SkillTRAN data files are regularly rebuilt for fresh labor market information. 

SkillTRAN has secure web-based services for Transferable Skills Analysis, Pre-Injury/Post-Injury Analysis, Career Exploration, Labor Market Information, and Real Job Openings. Products differ by intended users of the product (both data entry and report interpretation).

  • For rehabilitation personnel, vocational experts and claimant representatives, TSS, Job Browser Pro, OASYS Web and PREPOST are the products of choice
  • For Career Guidance, Outplacement, Career Planning, and Divorce Cases, use OccuBrowse Web and Job Browser Pro Web
  • For all types of clients, use the web-based Job Browser Pro Web and OASYS Web services for full Labor Market Information and Job Search
  • All occupations found in the TSS, Job Browser Pro, OASYSWeb, and PREPOST services tie to additional Labor Market Information. 

SkillTRAN Web-based services are available 24 x 7. You control all the data entry and the report preparation. At the conclusion of each web session, the report is available to download immediately in HTML, PDF, or DOCX format. Detailed labor market information (LMI) and Real Job Opening reports can be securely printed directly from SkillTRAN or saved as a file on your local computer. You can print the downloaded report or import it into your favorite word processor to modify as you need.

The accounting system is online as well. Invoices are emailed to the designated billing contact within one business day so that you can initiate billing on your end. There is only one case per invoice, so your billing process is simplified. You can run multiple search profiles and scenarios for a case and re-run many case services at no additional charge.

SIGN UP HERE for SOS -SkillTRAN Online Services !