Ed Smith - Sales Manager  [1959-2021]

Many SkillTRAN customers met Ed in person at one of many conferences or on the phone. He was always congenial and helpful, and a true friend to many. Ed was my best friend. It has been painful to watch his deterioration during the last year as he valiantly battled a brain tumor that few survive. Ed was at peace with what was happening, as he knew that our journey here on earth is just temporary. Ed's deep faith in our Lord Jesus Christ was lived every day in how he prayed and how he lived. Ed was a personal spiritual rock for me in my life's journey. When you have confidence in the outcome of life, there is nothing to fear. Ed shared his faith with others, teaching and leading other men to a stronger spiritual life, particularly married men, in a local program called CTL - Chosen to Lead. Ed loved to fish and hunt, experience outdoor adventures, and be a strong leader and great example to his family and 11 grandchildren. I miss him dearly. But Ed set such a strong example for his family and friends, I know that they will continue to carry on faithfully in the path he set as he followed his life to our Savior.

With great love and many fun memories ...

Jeff Truthan - President, Friend

Personal Videos of Ed

2021 - Birthday Surprise

2021 - Chicken Chase

2015 - Fishing with Ed & Friends - 23 minutes

Video Training by Ed

2019 - Using Job Browser Pro  - 25 minutes

2021 - Using OASYS Web for Transferable Skills - 18 minutes

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