The SkillTRAN search for transferable skills uses WORK field codes and MPSMS codes. In addition, the amount of training and/or experience (SVP - Specific Vocational Preparation typically required for each WORK field) is considered in the analysis. These codes are fully described in the DOL's Revised Handbook for Analyzing Jobs, 1991 (RHAJ). SkillTRAN has scanned this entire publication and presents it chapter by chapter for easy, quick reference.

In the SkillTRAN transferability of skills search, SkillTRAN uses the following worker and occupational characteristic codes:

  • 2(i) Skill level is implied by the SVP for the WORK fields - RHAJ Chapter 8
  • 2(ii) Work activities, tools and machines are key components of WORK fields- RHAJ Chapter 4
  • 2(iii) Raw materials, products, processes, or services are reflected in MPSMS codes - RHAJ Chapter 5


SkillTRAN uses the maximum level of SVP associated with each WORK field from work history. Per SSA definition Part (a), SkillTRAN does not consider occupations with an SVP < 3 to be transferable. An SVP of 1 or 2 is considered to be an unskilled occupation, which falls outside the SSA definition of transferability. SkillTRAN does commingle WORK and MPSMS fields in its classic online services, often enabling the identification of a more broad range of occupational options. The OASYS programs (web & PC) allow the user to choose/exclude specific Work Fields in a Combination Work Field.  In TSS and PREPOST Transferable searches, the software assumes that the worker is capable of all Physical Demand factors and can tolerate all Environmental Conditions unless otherwise noted. Occupations are not found transferable if the GED-RML level or Aptitude levels are exceeded. Temperamentd (Work Situation) conditions can also be ruled out if indicated by the user.

SkillTRAN implements its transferability searches as follows:

Direct-Closest Transferable Occupations (Same 3-digit WORK Fields and same 3-digit MPSMS) share at least one of the three digit WORK fields known from each job of the past work history AND have at least one of the same three digit MPSMS codes from any of those jobs done in the past. Directly transferable occupations have primary job duties that are very similar to past work. Little or no learning of job duties is anticipated. Closely Transferable Occupations are in combination WORK fields (which involve multiple work technologies) AND have at least one of the same three digit MPSMS codes from past work history. Some learning of a few job duties may be anticipated.

Generally - Good Transferable Occupations (Similar WORK Fields and Similar MPSMS) share at least one of the first two digit WORK fields from the past work history AND have at least one of the first two digit MPSMS fields from the past. Two digit coding by WORK and MPSMS clusters occupations into generally related groups that may not share the same specific skills as developed in the past. Some learning of essential job duties is likely to be necessary.

Fair - Similar WORK field OR Similar MPSMS share at least one of the three digit WORK fields known from the past work history but could involve any kind of MPSMS. Some moderate to significant on-the-job training can be anticipated. Formal training may be necessary for some occupations.

Potential Occupations - Any occupations within basic capacities can involve any kind of WORK or MPSMS but do not exceed other capacities known from the past work history or otherwise adjusted by the user to reflect known or unused potential. Significant on-the-job or formal training can be anticipated.

Unskilled Occupations (SVP = 1 or 2) can be learned within 30 days and require no previous occupational experience. There are a total of 3,125 unskilled occupations in the DOT. 


SkillTRAN recommends beginning with Direct - Closest search options. If few or no occupations are found, SEARCH AGAIN and choose Generally-Good Transferable, then Fair, etc. until the search produces "enough" occupations to consider. All searches are done in just a few seconds. Reports reflect a summary of the most recent search results, even if you choose not to include the list of selected titles from each search. In OASYS (PC & Web), the report reflects occupational choices remaining from the most recent search by RFC. In OASYS Web, you can select specific occupations from the search results by adding them to "My List", then build a report using only the "My List" occupations. Your selective review of the occupations following any search is the "Analysis" part of "Transferable Skills 'Analysis' ideally factoring in appropriateness of each suggested occupation in a search list.

After any search, labor market information (long term occupational projections, wages, employment numbers, and local Labor Market Analysis (LMA) for Feasibility or Job Search) is available for printing or secure retrieval. In OASYS, searches are similar to the web-based labels but use the terms: Closest, Good, Fair, and Potential for resulting matches. See this chart to compare the systems.  Note that as the searches become more generalized and more occupations are suggested, the likely need for training/re-training increases.

The SkillTRAN Transferable Skills Service (TSS), OASYS PC software and particularly the OASYS Web Service have other types of searches available to further broaden the search for potential occupations. Users can explore other occupations that might share similar or new GOE Interest codes from past work history, DOT Industry Codes, SOC Codes, or other code systems. Many new occupations are suggested when using other code systems. However, these different search methods often introduce occupations with entirely new WORK and MPSMS fields. Therefore, while these occupations may indeed be possible to perform with additional training, they are often considered outside of the strict SSA definition of transferability. SSA does does not provide training, but vocational rehabilitation, workers compensation, long-term disability, special education can and do facilitate training where successful subsequent job placement is likely.

The SkillTRAN PREPOST service (Pre-Injury/Post-Injury Analysis) and OASYS Prepost perform multiple transferable skills searches simultaneously. No alternate search strategies are available in PREPOST searches.

In TSS, OccuBrowse+®, OASYS (PC and Web) and TSS, it is possible to "Compare the Worker Profile to an Intended Vocational Goal". This feature highlights the differences between the intended occupation's requirements and the worker's post-injury profile (Residual Functional Capacity profile). This feature is useful in vocational counseling to quickly compare a counselor or client/claimant idea to the work profile. It is also helpful to understand why a particular occupation was filtered out of a search list since it shows the areas of mismatch as well. It is useful to determine if an occupational idea is possible, within reasonable variance from the typical requirements, or perhaps could be modified through training or some kind of job accommodation. In Job Browser Pro Web, up to three occupations selected from "My List" can be compared for differences across all DOT factors. Differences are highlighted to easily identify only the differing elements. This feature points out only the differences between the intended occupation's requirements and the worker's post-injury profile. It is useful to determine if an occupational idea is possible, within reasonable variance from the typical requirements, or perhaps could be modified through training or some kind of accommodation. It is also helpful to understand why a particular occupation was filtered out of a search list.

Transferable Skills Defined