SOS - SkillTRAN Online Services Pricing - All NEW Web-Based Services

SkillTRAN operates and maintains secure web-based services for the processing and storage of information submitted by the customer. SkillTRAN Online Services ("SOS") are generally available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, except for periods of scheduled maintenance and emergency repairs.

The customer's access to SOS is via the Internet using a secure, encrypted connection to our web-based services. During interaction with SOS, the customer will be notified that a transaction fee will be charged to continue. These transaction fees may be changed with notice at this website and via email. All prices quoted are payable in US Dollars only.

SOS reports are tuned for several primary groups of end users:

  • Rehabilitation, Forensic, and Career Guidance Professionals
  • Knowledgeable claimant and plaintiff representatives

Reports for Rehabilitation and Forensics

TSS - Transferable Skills Service

  • $ 66.00 - Transferable Skills Analysis or Special Interest Searches
  • + Includes Labor Market Information
  • + Includes Real Job Openings
  • + Optional Business Listings (Click for pricing)

PREPOST - Pre-Injury/Post-Injury Analysis Service

  • + $ 49.00 - Report (Surcharge added to basic TSS of $ 66.00) = Total $ 115.00
    PREPOST is an optional service available to TSS and OASYS Web customers as needed. PREPOST in not included in the OASYSWeb subscription, but is available as a surcharge option.
    The PREPOST report is standardized and includes 4 TSS searches, summarized with optional unskilled analysis, presented with calculation of Occupational Loss in both table and graph format.
    Additional Loss calculations will become available  (i.e. Labor Market Loss and Wage Loss)
    Both calculations will use the SkillTRAN Industry Context Methodology

There is no charge for searching Real Job Openings at this time. 

Transferable Skills Service (TSS) + PREPOST

  • No Sign-Up Fee
  • No Monthly Minimum
  • Strictly "Pay-As-You Go" - Report services as Needed

Click to Signup for TSS / PREPOST 


Annual Subscription Rates for Web-Based Services

For details on OccuBrowse Web, Click here

For details on Job Browser Pro Web, Click here

For details on OASYS Web Subscription, Click here