Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
Adjust GED: Reasoning, (Math, and Language)
Adjust Aptitudes: G, V, N, S, P, Q
Avoid Temperaments: D, I, V, E, A, S, T, U, P, J
Rationale: Aside from additional physical deficits, trauma to the brain can affect cognitive and social functioning. Cognitive reductions may be readily measured in such tests as the Halstead-Reitan, WAIS subtests, Bender Gestalt, and aptitude measures. Both speed and quality can be impaired. Memory and attention span deficits are best reflected in the level of General Educational Development - Reasoning characteristic.
TBI often reduces access to efficient cognitive and perceptual processing. Consider adjustments to Aptitudes G, V, and N for reduced cognition and Aptitudes S, P, and Q for spatial, form, and clerical perceptual deficits.
Changes due to TBI are often difficult to distinguish from pre-injury functioning. Each TBI case is quite different. TBI is often accompanied by significant personality changes which affect social skills and functioning. Temperament adjustments provide a way to isolate certain behavioral factors or social situations to which the individual can no longer adjust.
Dysfunctional Areas:
Consider these Temperament Adjustments:
- Communication: D, I, E, S, and P
- Concentration and memory: V, S, and possibly T and J
- Dealing with people: D, I, E, S, U, and P
Impact: While no single temperament factor is highly restrictive in and of itself, multiple impairments can be severely restrictive. Therefore, restrict factors that are clearly documented as impairments (e.g. psychological / psychiatric evaluation or situational assessment notes from vocational evaluation, FCE, or work adjustment / work simulation). Restrict multiple temperament situations only if you have clear evidence of permanent incompatibility.