SAMPLE PREPOST REPORT - Pre-Injury / Post-injury Analysis

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04/09/13                    9988 / FRED LOWBACH                    

                               PREPOST Report
                     Copyright SkillTRAN, LLC  2001-2007 

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      *          W O R K   H I S T O R Y   E X P E R I E N C E         *
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 606.682-014 DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR (machine shop)                               

  J O B   D E S C R I P T I O N
   PRODUCTION-DRILLING-MACHINE OPERATOR. Operates previously set up drilling     
   machines, such as single- or multiple-spindle drill presses to drill, ream,   
   countersink, spot face, or tap holes in metal or nonmetal workpieces          
   according to specifications: Lifts workpiece manually or with hoist, and      
   positions and secures it on machine table in drilling jig or holding          
   fixture. Moves machine controls to feed tools into workpiece, and engages     
   automatic feed. Observes machine operation, and verifies conformance of       
   drilled workpiece to specifications, using fixed gauges, calipers, and        
   micrometers. Changes worn cutting tools, using wrenches. Moves controls to    
   adjust cutting speeds, feed rates, and depth of cut. May assist MACHINE       
   SETTER (machine shop) 600.360-014 in setting up machine. May sharpen          
   cutting tools, using bench grinder. May perform minor assembly, such as       
   fastening parts with nuts, bolts, and screws, using power tools and           
   handtools. May be designated according to product as Barrel Reamer            
   (ordnance); or function of machine as Reamer Operator (machine shop);         
   Tapper Operator (machine shop).                                               

 606.682-014 DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR (machine shop)                               
        R  M  L                           G V N S P Q K F M E C
  GED:  3  2  2               Aptitudes:  4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 5 5

  Maximum SVP:  3  (Semi-Skilled)     Temperaments:RT   

  Physical Demands:   N  N  O  N  O  N  F  F  F  N  N  N  N  F  N  F  F  N  N

                              WE CO HO WT NO VI AT MV EL HI RA EX TX OT
  Environmental Conditions:    N  N  N  N  4  N  N  N  N  N  N  N  N  O
   MPSMS  code:  540       METAL, FERROUS AND NONFERROUS                     
   WORK  field:  053       BORING                                            
   I.D.   code:  561       MACHINE SHOP                                      
   GOE    code:  06.02.02  MACHINE WORK,METAL AND PLASTICS                   
   CIP    code:  00.0000   ** NO CODE ASSIGNED **                            
   Canada NOC :  9511      MACHINING TOOL OPERATORS                          


 601.281-026 TOOL MAKER, BENCH (machine shop)                                  

  J O B   D E S C R I P T I O N
   Lays out, fits, and assembles parts to make and repair cutting tools, jigs,   
   fixtures, gauges, or machinists' handtools, analyzing specifications          
   according to knowledge of tool designs, shop mathematics, machining, and      
   layout and assembly procedures: Studies blueprint to determine machining to   
   be done and plans layout and assembly. Measures, marks, and scribes metal     
   stock to lay out for machining by other workers [LAY-OUT WORKER (machine      
   shop) 600.281-018]. Operates drill press to drill and tap holes in parts      
   [DRILL-PRESS SET-UP OPERATOR, SINGLE SPINDLE (machine shop) 606.682-018].     
   Smooths and scrapes parts to fit, using handtools such as files and           
   scrapers. Positions and secures parts on surface plate with devices such      
   as V-blocks, vises, and angle plates. Assembles parts into product, using     
   tools such as wrenches, hammers, and tweezers, and verifies dimensions and    
   alignments, using measuring instruments such as micrometers, height gauges,   
   and gauge blocks. May set up and operate surface grinder [GRINDER OPERATOR,   
   SURFACE, TOOL (machine shop) 603.280-014] to grind surface of parts. May      
   test assembled mechanism. May be designated according to specialized          
   function as Tool Repairer, Bench (machine shop); or according to product      
   made as Gauge Maker (machine shop); Jig-And-Fixture Maker (machine shop).     

 601.281-026 TOOL MAKER, BENCH (machine shop)                                  
        R  M  L                           G V N S P Q K F M E C
  GED:  4  3  3               Aptitudes:  3 3 3 2 2 4 3 2 2 5 5

  Maximum SVP:  7  (Skilled)          Temperaments:JT   

  Physical Demands:   N  N  O  O  O  N  F  F  F  N  N  N  N  F  O  F  F  N  N

                              WE CO HO WT NO VI AT MV EL HI RA EX TX OT
  Environmental Conditions:    N  N  N  N  3  N  N  N  N  N  N  N  N  N
   MPSMS  code:  566       METALWORKING MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT              
   WORK  field:  057       MACHINING                                         
                 121       MECHANICAL FABRICATION-INSTALL-REPAIR             
                 241       LAYING OUT                                        
   I.D.   code:  561       MACHINE SHOP                                      
   CENSUS code:  813       TOOL AND DIE MAKERS                               
   GOE    code:  05.05.07  MACHINING                                         
   SOC    code:  6811      TOOL AND DIE MAKERS                               
   CIP    code:  48.0507   TOOL AND DIE MAKER/TECHNOLOGIST                   
   OES    code:  89102     TOOL AND DIE MAKERS                               
   Canada NOC :  7232      TOOL AND DIE MAKERS                               


 860.381-022 CARPENTER (construction)                                          

  J O B   D E S C R I P T I O N
   Constructs, erects, installs, and repairs structures and fixtures of wood,    
   plywood, and wallboard, using carpenter's handtools and power tools, and      
   conforming to local building codes: Studies blueprints, sketches, or          
   building plans for information pertaining to type of material required,       
   such as lumber or fiberboard, and dimensions of structure or fixture to be    
   fabricated. Selects specified type of lumber or other materials. Prepares     
   layout, using rule, framing square, and calipers. Marks cutting and           
   assembly lines on materials, using pencil, chalk, and marking gauge. Shapes   
   materials to prescribed measurements, using saws, chisels, and planes.        
   Assembles cut and shaped materials and fastens them together with nails,      
   dowel pins, or glue. Verifies trueness of structure with plumb bob and        
   carpenter's level. Erects framework for structures and lays subflooring.      
   Builds stairs and lays out and installs partitions and cabinet work. Covers   
   subfloor with building paper to keep out moisture and lays hardwood,          
   parquet, and wood-strip-block floors by nailing floors to subfloor or         
   cementing them to mastic or asphalt base. Applies shock-absorbing,            
   sound-deadening, and decorative paneling to ceilings and walls. Fits and      
   installs prefabricated window frames, doors, doorframes, weather stripping,   
   interior and exterior trim, and finish hardware, such as locks,               
   letterdrops, and kick plates. Constructs forms and chutes for pouring         
   concrete. Erects scaffolding and ladders for assembling structures above      
   ground level. May weld metal parts to steel structural members. When          
   specializing in particular phase of carpentry, is designated according to     
   specialty as Combination-Window Installer (construction); Lay-Out             
   Carpenter (construction). When specializing in finish carpentry, such as      
   installing interior and exterior trim, building stairs, and laying hardwood   
   floors, is designated Finish Carpenter (construction). When erecting frame    
   buildings and performing general carpentry work in residential                
   construction, is designated House Carpenter (construction). May remove and    
   replace sections of structures prior to and after installation of             
   insulating materials and be designated Building-Insulating Carpenter          
   (construction; retail trade). May perform carpentry work in construction of   
   walk-in freezers and environmental test chambers and be designated            
   Carpenter, Refrigerator (svc. ind. mach.). May be designated: Door Hanger     
   (construction); Finished-Hardware Erector (construction); Garage-Door         
   Hanger (construction); Hardwood-Floor Installer (construction); Jalousie      
   Installer (construction); Stair Builder (construction); Trim Setter           
   (construction); Weather Stripper (construction); Wood-Sash-And-Frame          
   Carpenter (construction); Wood-Strip-Block Floor Installer (construction).    

 860.381-022 CARPENTER (construction)                                          
        R  M  L                           G V N S P Q K F M E C
  GED:  4  3  3               Aptitudes:  3 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4

  Maximum SVP:  7  (Skilled)          Temperaments:VJT  

  Physical Demands:   O  O  O  O  O  N  F  F  F  O  N  O  N  F  O  F  O  O  N

                              WE CO HO WT NO VI AT MV EL HI RA EX TX OT
  Environmental Conditions:    O  N  N  N  4  N  O  N  N  O  N  N  N  O
   MPSMS  code:  360       STRUCTURES                                        
                 450       LUMBER AND WOOD PRODUCTS                          
   WORK  field:  102       STRUCTURAL FABRICATION-INSTALL-REPAIR             
   I.D.   code:  271       CONSTRUCTION                                      
   CENSUS code:  623       CARPENTERS                                        
   GOE    code:  05.05.02  CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE                      
   SOC    code:  6422      CARPENTERS                                        
   CIP    code:  46.0201   CARPENTER                                         
   OES    code:  87102     CARPENTERS                                        
   Canada NOC :  7271      CARPENTERS 
    *                                                                    *
    *                                                                    *

 606.682-014  DRILL-PRESS OPERATOR (machine shop)                               
 601.281-026  TOOL MAKER, BENCH (machine shop)                                  
 860.381-022  CARPENTER (construction)                                          
 Medium - Exert force of 20-50 lbs. occasionally, 10-25 lbs. frequently, 
          or up to 10 lbs. constantly.                                   
    Occasional       CL - Climbing                              
    Occasional       BA - Balancing                             
    Occasional       ST - Stooping                              
    Occasional       KN - Kneeling                              
    Occasional       CR - Crouching                             
    Frequent         RE - Reaching                              
    Frequent         HA - Handling                              
    Frequent         FI - Fingering                             
    Occasional       FE - Feeling                               
    Occasional       HE - Hearing                               
    Frequent         NE - Near Acuity (Under 20 inches)         
    Occasional       FA - Far Acuity (Over 20 feet)             
    Frequent         DE - Depth Perception                      
    Frequent         AC - Accommodation (Focal length change)   
    Occasional       CV - Color Vision                          
 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS (To which the worker is exposed)
    Occasional      WE - Exposure to Weather                    
    Loud            NO - Noise Intensity Level                  
    Occasional      AT - Atmospheric Conditions                 
    Occasional      HI - High, Exposed Place Hazard             
    Occasional      OT - Other Environmental Conditions         
04/09/13                    9988 / FRED LOWBACH                     Page   6
 Reasoning Skills (GED-R-4)
    Apply principles of rational systems to solve practical     
    problems and deal with a variety of concrete variables in   
    situations where only limited standardization exists.       
    Interpret a variety of instructions furnished in written    
    oral, diagrammatic, or schedule form.                       
 Mathematical Skills (GED-M-3)
    Compute discount, interest, profit, and loss; commission,   
      markup, and selling price; ratio and proportion, and      
      percentage.  Calculate surfaces, volumes, weights, and    
    Algebra:  Calculate variables and formulas, monomials and   
      polynomials; ratio and proportion variables; and square   
      roots and radicals.                                       
    Geometry:  Calculate plane and solid figures,               
      circumference, area, and volume.  Understand kinds of     
      angles, and properties of pairs and angles.               
 Language Skills (GED-L-3)
    Reading:  Read a variety of novels, magazines, atlases, and 
      encyclopedias.  Read safety rules, instructions in the    
      use and maintenance of shop tools and equipment, and      
      methods and procedures in mechanical drawing and layout   
    Writing:  Write reports and essays with proper format,      
      punctuation, spelling, and grammar, using all parts of    
    Speaking:  Speak before an audience with poise, voice       
      control, and confidence, using correct English and        
      well-modulated voice.                                     
 --------------------------  ------------   ------------------------------
  G - Intelligence            34% to 65%    Average                      
  V - Verbal                  34% to 65%    Average                      
  N - Numerical               34% to 65%    Average                      
  S - Spatial perception      66% to 89%    Above Average                
  P - Form perception         66% to 89%    Above Average                
  Q - Clerical perception     10% to 33%    Below Average                
  K - Motor coordination      34% to 65%    Average                      
  F - Finger dexterity        66% to 89%    Above Average                
  M - Manual dexterity        66% to 89%    Above Average                
  E - Eye/hand/foot coord     10% to 33%    Below Average                
  C - Color discrimination    10% to 33%    Below Average                
 SPECIFIC VOCATIONAL PREPARATION:  (Maximum) - From two to four years (SVP=7)  
 --------------------------------    (Education, Training, and/or Experience)
04/09/13                    9988 / FRED LOWBACH                     Page   7
 JOB TEMPERAMENTS (Common situations to which the worker must adapt)
  R - Performing REPETITIVE or short-cycle work:  A few routine   
        and uninvolved tasks done repetitively according to set   
        sequence or pace with little diversion or interruption.   
  T - Attaining precise set limits, TOLERANCES, and standards:    
        Achieving exact levels of performance, using precision    
        measuring instruments, tools, machines, to attain precise 
        dimensions; prepare exacting verbal and numerical records.
  J - Making JUDGEMENTS and decisions:  Involves solving problems,
        making evaluations, and reaching conclusions based on     
        either subjective or objective criteria, such as the five 
        senses, knowledge, past experiences, or quantifiable/     
        factual data.                                             
  V - Performing a VARIETY of duties:  Frequent task changes which
        use different aptitudes, techniques, technologies, working
        conditions, procedures, physical demands, or degrees of   
        attentiveness without loss of efficiency or composure.    

      DATA                   PEOPLE                      THINGS
 3  COMPILING                                        2  OPERATING-CONTROLLING 
 6  COMPARING                                                                 

 Experience with these Materials, Products, Subject Matter,or Services
   MPSMS  code:  360     STRUCTURES                                        
   MPSMS  code:  450     LUMBER AND WOOD PRODUCTS                          
   MPSMS  code:  540     METAL, FERROUS AND NONFERROUS                     

 Skill Level and Experience in these WORK Fields
   (Semi-Skilled)   WORK field:  053   BORING                                  
   (Skilled)        WORK field:  057   MACHINING                               
   (Skilled)        WORK field:  102   STRUCTURAL FABRICATION-INSTALL-REPAIR   
   (Skilled)        WORK field:  121   MECHANICAL FABRICATION-INSTALL-REPAIR   
   (Skilled)        WORK field:  241   LAYING OUT                              
04/09/13                    9988 / FRED LOWBACH                     Page   8

 Work Experience in these DOT Industry Designations
   I.D.   code:  271     CONSTRUCTION                                      
   I.D.   code:  561     MACHINE SHOP                                      

 Interest in these GOE Areas
   GOE    code:  05.05.02   CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE                      
   GOE    code:  05.05.07   MACHINING                                         
   GOE    code:  06.02.02   MACHINE WORK,METAL AND PLASTICS                   

 Alternate Occupational Titles
   CENSUS code:  623     CARPENTERS                                        
   CENSUS code:  813     TOOL AND DIE MAKERS                               

 Associated Instructional Programs
   CIP    code:  00.0000    ** NO CODE ASSIGNED **                            
   CIP    code:  46.0201    CARPENTER                                         
   CIP    code:  48.0507    TOOL AND DIE MAKER/TECHNOLOGIST                   

 Canadian Occupational Areas
   NOC    code:  7232       TOOL AND DIE MAKERS                               
   NOC    code:  7271       CARPENTERS                                        
   NOC    code:  9511       MACHINING TOOL OPERATORS                          

NOTE:  An assumption is made that the worker had the capacity to constantly
       perform all physical demand factors and that the worker could tolerate
       constant exposure to all environmental conditions.  In the absence of
       information to the contrary, it is also assumed that at least average
       functioning was possible in the areas below, even though the past jobs
       in work history did not require the worker to demonstrate or perform at
       these average levels.
APTITUDES: ("Average" is the middle third of the population)
    *      -  Preference or Ability to Perform                       *
    *      -  Unused Potential and/or Test Results                   *

 Light - Exert force to 20 lbs. occasionally or 10 lbs. frequently, or   
         negligible force constantly. May involve significant stand/walk/
 Maximum Physical Capacities (Able to perform constantly except as noted):
    Occasional       CL - Climbing                              
    Occasional       ST - Stooping                              
    Occasional       KN - Kneeling                              

 ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS :  Can tolerate all conditions

 --------------------------  ------------   ------------------------------
  G - Intelligence           No Change                                   
  V - Verbal                 No Change                                   
  N - Numerical              No Change                                   
  S - Spatial perception     No Change                                   
  P - Form perception        No Change                                   
  Q - Clerical perception    No Change                                   
  K - Motor coordination     No Change                                   
  F - Finger dexterity       No Change                                   
  M - Manual dexterity       No Change                                   
  E - Eye/hand/foot coord    No Change                                   
  C - Color discrimination   No Change                                   
 SPECIFIC VOCATIONAL PREPARATION:  (Maximum) - No Change                       
 --------------------------------  (Minimum) - No Change                       

 JOB TEMPERAMENTS :  No incompatibilities

 *** NOTE: ***  Occupations requiring supervisory and/or management
                responsibility have been excluded from this analysis.

   DIRECTLY TRANSFERABLE              |      +                                 
       OCCUPATIONS                    |      |\                                
  --------------------------    Post- |   10 | |                               
  Occupations which involve    Injury |      + |                               
  similar work experience             |       \|                               
  to the past and which require       |      +--+                              
  little or no learning of            |      |  |\                             
  essential job duties.         Pre-  |   65 |  | |                            
                               Injury |      +--+ |                            
   84.7 % Occupational Loss*          |       \__\|                            
   CLOSELY TRANSFERABLE               |      +                                 
       OCCUPATIONS                    |      |\                                
  --------------------------    Post- |   18 | |                               
  Occupations which involve    Injury |      + |                               
  similar work experience             |       \|                               
  to the past and which may           |      +-----+                           
  require some learning of            |      |     |\                          
  essential job duties.         Pre-  |  116 |     | |                         
                               Injury |      +-----+ |                         
   84.5 % Occupational Loss*          |       \_____\|                         
   GENERALLY TRANSFERABLE             |      +-----+                           
       OCCUPATIONS                    |      |     |\                          
  --------------------------    Post- |  106 |     | |                         
  Occupations which involve    Injury |      +-----+ |                         
  generally related work              |       \_____\|                         
  to the past and which likely        |      +--------------------------+      
  require some learning of            |      |                          |\     
  essential job duties.         Pre-  |  437 |                          | |    
                               Injury |      +--------------------------+ |    
   75.8 % Occupational Loss*          |       \__________________________\|    
   UNSKILLED OCCUPATIONS              |      +-----------------+               
   WITHIN BASIC CAPACITIES            |      |                 |\              
  --------------------------    Post- | 1591 |                 | |             
  Unskilled occupations which  Injury |      +-----------------+ |             
  are within all basic work           |       \_________________\|             
  capacities (worker traits).         |      +------------------------------+  
  All job duties can be               |      |                              |\ 
  learned within 30 days.       Pre-  | 2675 |                              | |
                               Injury |      +------------------------------+ |
   40.6 % Occupational Loss*          |       \______________________________\|
 * OCCUPATIONAL LOSS is the percentage of occupations which the worker is no
     longer able to perform due to injury. CAUTION should be exercised in
     generalizing from this figure, since this calculation assumes that
     occupational titles occur with equal frequency.

 *               PRE-INJURY / POST-INJURY OCCUPATIONAL SERVICE               *
     DIRECTLY TRANSFERABLE OCCUPATIONS are those which share at least one
       of the 3-digit WORK fields as known from the past work history
       AND which have at least one of the same 3-digit MPSMS codes from any of
       the jobs performed in the past. Directly transferable occupations have
       primary job duties which are very similar to past work. Little or no
       learning of job duties would be anticipated in a new occupation.
     CLOSELY TRANSFERABLE OCCUPATIONS are those which are in combination
       WORK fields (which involve multiple work technologies) AND which have at
       least one of the same 3-digit MPSMS codes from past work history. A
       combination work field suggests very similarly related occupations which
       involve a variety of technologies (only some of which may be familiar to
       the worker). Closely transferable occupations do not include directly
       transferable titles. Some learning of a few job duties may be
     GENERALLY TRANSFERABLE OCCUPATIONS are those which share at least one of
       the 2-digit WORK fields from the past work history AND which involve at
       least one of the 2-digit MPSMS codes from the past. Two digit coding
       clusters occupations into generally related groups which may not share
       the same specific skills as developed in the past. Generally
       transferable occupations do not include directly or closely
       transferable titles. Some learning of essential job duties is quite
       likely to be necessary.
     UNSKILLED OCCUPATIONS can be learned within 30 days and require no
       previous occupational experience. As such, they are not included in the
       analysis of transferable skills. There are a total of 3125 unskilled
                                          ACCESS (PRE)  ACCESS (POST)  LOSS *
       DIRECTLY TRANSFERABLE OCCUPATIONS       65            10         84.7%
        CLOSELY TRANSFERABLE OCCUPATIONS      116            18         84.5%
      GENERALLY TRANSFERABLE OCCUPATIONS      437           106         75.8%
                                   TOTAL      618           134         78.4%
                   UNSKILLED OCCUPATIONS     2675          1591         40.6%
 * OCCUPATIONAL LOSS is the percentage of occupations which the worker is no
     longer able to perform due to injury. CAUTION should be exercised in
     generalizing from this figure, since this calculation assumes that
     occupational titles occur with equal frequency.

 *                                                                            *
 *                      POST-INJURY OCCUPATIONAL ACCESS                       *
 *                      -------------------------------                       *
 *   The occupations listed below are able to be performed by the worker      *
 * both before the injury AND after the injury. These occupations are not     *
 * listed again under the Pre-Injury Occupational Access section.             *
 *                                                                            *
 DOT CODE    TITLE                           CENSUS  STREN SVP GED  APTITUDES

   SKILLED (SK)        
 626.381-014 GAS-WELDING-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC     733    L    7  333  33333443255
 007.362-010 NESTING OPERATOR, NUMERICAL CONTRO 790    L    6  433  33332333455
 616.260-010 EMBOSSING TOOLSETTER               822    L    6  432  33434433355
 626.381-018 HYDRAULIC-PRESS SERVICER           733    L    6  323  33433533355
 754.381-014 PATTERNMAKER, PLASTICS             806    L    6  433  33323433355
 626.381-010 CASE-FINISHING-MACHINE ADJUSTER    733    L    5  333  34434433355
 669.682-010 ADZING-AND-BORING-MACHINE OPERATOR 854    L    5  323  34434544345
 701.381-010 REPAIRER, HANDTOOLS                704    L    5  322  33433433355
 669.682-026 CHUCKING-AND-SAWING-MACHINE OPERAT 853    L    4  321  34434433345
 701.384-010 TOOL-MAINTENANCE WORKER            704    L    3  211  33433333355

   SKILLED (SK)        
 602.360-010 GRINDER SET-UP OPERATOR, GEAR, TOO 800    L    7  433  33322333355
 784.361-010 PATTERNMAKER                       844    L    7  433  43433433354
 601.381-018 DIE POLISHER                       821    L    6  332  34333433355
 601.482-010 PROFILE-GRINDER TECHNICIAN         800    L    6  333  34322432255
 609.682-026 NICKING-MACHINE OPERATOR           800    L    5  322  34443434355
 667.682-010 BAND-SCROLL-SAW OPERATOR           853    L    5  322  34433433355
 701.684-030 TOOL FILER                         821    L    5  312  34433433355
 705.481-014 LAPPER, HAND, TOOL                 821    L    5  332  34333432354
 761.682-018 SPINDLE CARVER                     854    L    5  322  34423433355
 770.381-018 DIAMOND DRILLER                    875    L    5  322  34433433355
 770.381-022 DIAMOND-DIE POLISHER               875    L    5  322  34333433355
 569.662-010 INCISING-MACHINE OPERATOR          854    L    4  322  34434434345
 603.382-010 BUFFING-MACHINE OPERATOR           800    L    4  322  33333443354
 617.682-018 HOBBING-PRESS OPERATOR             822    L    4  311  34433433355
 739.384-010 DIAMOND MOUNTER                    896    L    4  333  34432432354
 813.685-010 BRAZER, CONTROLLED ATMOSPHERIC FUR 814    L    4  323  34444434354
 815.682-010 LASER-BEAM-MACHINE OPERATOR        814    L    4  333  33333333455
 709.684-082 STAB SETTER AND DRILLER            796    L    3  222  44434444445

   SKILLED (SK)        
 500.381-010 CYLINDER GRINDER                   821    L    7  333  33433433355
 549.261-010 MECHANICAL INSPECTOR               874    L    7  433  33332344344
 630.381-026 SPRAY-GUN REPAIRER                 733    L    7  333  33423433254
 633.281-014 DICTATING-TRANSCRIBING-MACHINE SER 701    L    7  433  33332433253
 633.281-018 OFFICE-MACHINE SERVICER            701    L    7  433  33323433255
 633.281-022 OFFICE-MACHINE-SERVICER APPRENTICE 701    L    7  433  33323433255
 633.281-030 STATISTICAL-MACHINE SERVICER       701    L    7  433  33323333254
 693.381-026 ELECTRICAL AND RADIO MOCK-UP MECHA 772    L    7  433  33334333344
 761.381-038 STOCK MAKER, CUSTOM                850    L    7  433  33323433254
 863.381-010 CORK INSULATOR, REFRIGERATION PLAN 640    L    7  322  34433433345
 972.682-010 PLATE GRAINER                      825    L    7  323  34433434355
 972.682-014 PLATE-GRAINER APPRENTICE           825    L    7  323  34433434355
 979.682-010 BLOCKER I                          896    L    7  322  33333534355
 979.681-010 LETTERER                           881    S    6  311  34433443355
 661.381-010 HAT-BLOCK MAKER                    850    L    6  332  34333534355
 667.682-034 HEAD SAWYER, AUTOMATIC             853    L    6  321  34343533345
 677.682-010 HEAD-SAW OPERATOR, INSULATION BOAR 871    L    6  321  33433433355
 710.381-014 BALANCER, SCALE                    874    L    6  422  33333433354
 710.681-018 REGISTER REPAIRER                  751    L    6  322  34333433355
 729.384-014 FARE-REGISTER REPAIRER             751    L    6  322  34332432355
 805.667-010 BOILER HOUSE INSPECTOR             874    L    6  311  34443444455
 825.361-014 VIBRATOR-EQUIPMENT TESTER          874    L    6  333  33342333355
 827.361-010 AIR-CONDITIONING-UNIT TESTER       874    L    6  322  33444434355
 956.387-010 BUILDING-EQUIPMENT INSPECTOR       666    L    6  332  33333344444
 519.684-026 TOOL REPAIRER                      704    L    5  311  34543533355
 622.684-018 SWITCH REPAIRER                    735    L    5  322  33443434355
 629.381-010 FOILING-MACHINE ADJUSTER           733    L    5  323  34433433355
 664.682-022 SPAR-MACHINE OPERATOR              854    L    5  322  34433544355
 667.682-030 GANG SAWYER                        853    L    5  321  34443434345
 667.682-090 LOG-CUT-OFF SAWYER, AUTOMATIC      853    L    5  322  34333434345
 683.381-010 CHAIN BUILDER, LOOM CONTROL        841    L    5  312  34443433354
 706.361-014 ASSEMBLY INSPECTOR                 874    L    5  321  34433433354
 706.684-062 INJECTOR ASSEMBLER                 773    L    5  322  33332432455
 709.382-010 SEWING-MACHINE TESTER              874    L    5  322  33423434345
 710.381-010 ASSEMBLER II                       775    L    5  322  33433433354
 764.387-014 MATERIAL INSPECTOR                 874    L    5  433  34343344455
 816.682-010 SCARFING MACHINE OPERATOR          822    L    5  322  34433434353
 853.663-018 ROAD-OILING-TRUCK DRIVER           630    L    5  311  34444534335
 853.663-022 STONE-SPREADER OPERATOR            630    L    5  311  34444434335
 862.682-014 PIPE-WRAPPING-MACHINE OPERATOR     676    L    5  312  34433434345
 869.683-018 TAMPING-MACHINE OPERATOR           630    L    5  312  34433544345
 979.682-026 ROUTER                             825    L    5  311  34433433345
 795.684-014 EDGE STRIPPER                      896    S    4  212  44444543354
 619.382-022 TYPE-ROLLING-MACHINE OPERATOR      822    L    4  321  34433433355
 619.662-014 SKELP PROCESSOR                    794    L    4  322  33334334355
 628.682-010 ROLLER COVERER                     733    L    4  322  34443444345
 628.684-018 NEEDLE STRAIGHTENER                733    L    4  322  34443443355
 630.684-014 BELT REPAIRER                      733    L    4  211  44444444355
 632.380-010 INSPECTING-MACHINE ADJUSTER        733    L    4  323  34433433345
 649.685-090 PERFORATING-MACHINE OPERATOR       896    L    4  211  44443443355
 651.384-010 PLATEN BUILDER-UP                  896    L    4  212  34432443355
 662.685-018 LAST SCOURER                       854    L    4  211  44433534355
 663.380-010 KNIFE SETTER                       854    L    4  312  34433433355
 663.585-010 CLIPPER, AUTOMATIC                 854    L    4  211  44444444355
 667.685-050 SHINGLE TRIMMER                    853    L    4  311  34443534355
 669.662-010 BOX-BLANK-MACHINE OPERATOR         854    L    4  322  33444444455
 669.682-034 CROZE-MACHINE OPERATOR             853    L    4  311  34434534345
 677.682-026 TENONER OPERATOR                   871    L    4  321  33433433355
 706.381-010 ALIGNER, TYPEWRITER                701    L    4  322  34432433355
 706.684-094 SUBASSEMBLER                       772    L    4  323  34433433354
 709.684-090 TUBE BENDER, HAND I                896    L    4  311  44434544355
 710.684-010 AGATE SETTER                       896    L    4  312  34433433355
 739.484-014 FIRE-EQUIPMENT INSPECTOR           762    L    4  323  34334444344
 739.684-038 CLIP-AND-HANGER ATTACHER           896    L    4  222  44344433345
 762.684-042 GRIP ASSEMBLER                     896    L    4  322  34433434355
 763.684-070 STOCK-PARTS INSPECTOR              874    L    4  322  34443444354
 764.687-022 BARREL INSPECTOR, TIGHT            874    L    4  212  44443444455
 769.387-010 WOODWORK-SALVAGE INSPECTOR         874    L    4  322  33333344455
 806.687-042 OUTBOARD-MOTOR INSPECTOR           874    L    4  322  33442444453
 859.683-022 REINFORCING-STEEL-MACHINE OPERATOR 630    L    4  311  34434434335
 865.684-022 REFRIGERATOR GLAZIER               896    L    4  312  34444434355
 706.685-010 TYPE-SOLDERING-MACHINE TENDER      814    S    3  212  44444533345
 505.682-010 SPRAYER OPERATOR                   820    L    3  322  34433433334
 554.685-030 LAMINATOR                          885    L    3  312  44444444355
 569.685-042 GLUE SPREADER, VENEER              885    L    3  211  44443444355
 569.685-074 VENEER TAPER                       896    L    3  211  44443434355
 628.684-026 SHUTTLE FIXER                      733    L    3  323  44434443455
 628.684-038 WIRE REPAIRER                      733    L    3  323  34433434355
 628.687-010 FLYER REPAIRER                     735    L    3  212  44444444435
 637.684-014 QUALITY-CONTROL TECHNICIAN         874    L    3  333  34333433454
 663.682-014 POLE-PEELING-MACHINE OPERATOR      871    L    3  311  34434534355
 665.685-010 BOTTOM-TURNING-LATHE TENDER        854    L    3  211  44443544355
 665.685-030 STAVE JOINTER                      854    L    3  211  44434534345
 669.685-054 END STAPLER                        854    L    3  211  44443534345
 685.685-014 PATTERN ASSEMBLER                  735    L    3  222  44443433354
 705.684-018 FILER AND SANDER                   896    L    3  211  44543534355
 706.587-010 CLEANER-TOUCH-UP WORKER            896    L    3  212  44444444354
 706.684-026 ASSEMBLER, TYPE-BAR-AND-SEGMENT    772    L    3  322  34433433355
 706.684-038 BEARING-RING ASSEMBLER             772    L    3  222  44433433355
 706.687-034 ROLLER-BEARING INSPECTOR           874    L    3  212  34343443455
 709.484-010 SILK-SCREEN-FRAME ASSEMBLER        896    L    3  322  44443433355
 710.584-010 SCROLL ASSEMBLER                   896    L    3  211  44434434354
 731.684-010 COIN-MACHINE ASSEMBLER             896    L    3  212  44444434355
 739.684-074 FRAME REPAIRER                     865    L    3  222  44443443355
 739.684-134 NEEDLE-BOARD REPAIRER              733    L    3  212  44444544355
 739.684-150 SCREEN MAKER                       896    L    3  211  44443444355
 761.684-042 STOCK PATCHER                      762    L    3  311  34433433353
 762.684-018 ASSEMBLY OPERATOR                  896    L    3  222  34533534355
 762.684-022 BASKET MENDER                      871    L    3  211  44433433354
 762.687-018 BOX REPAIRER II                    874    L    3  211  44543544354
 764.687-054 CULLER                             874    L    3  212  44443444355
 764.687-062 HEADING MATCHER AND ASSEMBLER      896    L    3  222  44443543355
 764.687-066 HEADING REPAIRER                   896    L    3  211  44443543455
 769.684-042 SAMPLE MAKER, VENEER               871    L    3  211  44434444454
 859.683-030 ROAD-ROLLER OPERATOR               630    L    3  211  34543534335
 921.685-062 STACKER TENDER                     950    L    3  211  44433444455

  Average wage calculations below use the median wage estimate for the
  CENSUS occupational group to which each DOT code belongs, as identified
  through the preceding Pre-Injury / Post-Injury Analysis.  Use care in
  generalizing from these figures since these calculations assume that
  the occupational titles occur with equal frequency.
  Local adjustments are based on salary differential equations in the
  "Geographic Assessor" developed by the BTA Economic Research Institute.
   * Wage figures marked with an * indicate BLS "unpublished" values
       for CENSUS groups with fewer than 50,000 workers nationally.
  ** These statistics are for the CENSUS group, NOT an individual DOT title.
       Weekly and annual wages assume a 40 hour work week.
                                             | ESTIMATED MEDIAN|  NO. DOTS  |
CENSUS                                       +--------+--------+-----+------+
Group:                                       | Hourly | Weekly | PRE | POST |
------                                       +--------+--------+-----+------+
* 6310 PILE-DRIVER OPERATORS                   $26.54    $1062     1     0
  8130 TOOL AND DIE MAKERS                     $26.24    $1050     5     0
* 7960 DRILL/BORING MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TEND    $23.68    $ 947     3     0
  7330 INDUSTRIAL AND REFRACTORY MACHINERY     $22.77    $ 911     7     3
* 7040 ELECTRIC MOTOR, POWER TOOL, AND RELA    $20.29    $ 812     2     2
* 7740 STRUCTURAL METAL FABRICATORS AND FIT    $19.55    $ 782     1     0
  7340 MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR WORKERS, GENE    $19.30    $ 772     1     0
* 8060 MODEL MAKERS AND PATTERNMAKERS, META    $19.04    $ 762     1     1
  8140 WELDING, SOLDERING, AND BRAZING WORK    $18.81    $ 753     1     0
  7900 COMPUTER CONTROL PROGRAMMERS AND OPE    $18.76    $ 751     3     1
* 6360 GLAZIERS                                $18.38    $ 735     2     0
* 8500 CABINETMAKERS AND BENCH CARPENTERS      $18.18    $ 727     2     0
  6230 CARPENTERS                              $17.87    $ 715     8     0
* 8120 MULTIPLE MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TENDERS,    $17.16    $ 686     2     0
  8650 CRUSHING/GRINDING/POLISHING/MIXING/B    $16.67    $ 667     1     0
  8220 METAL WORKERS AND PLASTIC WORKERS, A    $16.42    $ 657     2     1
* 8010 LATHE/TURN MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TEND,     $16.29    $ 652     3     0
  6250 CEMENT MASONS/CONCRETE FINISHERS/TER    $15.98    $ 639     1     0
  8000 GRIND/LAP/POLISH/BUFFING MACH.TOOL S    $15.65    $ 626     1     0
  8965 PRODUCTION WORKERS, ALL OTHER           $15.55    $ 622     7     0
  6420 PAINTERS, CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENAN    $15.14    $ 606     1     0
  7950 CUT/PUNCH/PRESS MACH.SET/OPER/TEND,M    $14.84    $ 593     1     0
* 8540 WOODWORKING MACH. SET/OPER/TENDERS,     $14.48    $ 579     5     1
* 8530 SAWING MACHINE SETTERS/OPERATORS/TEN    $14.40    $ 576     1     1
* 6600 HELPERS, CONSTRUCTION TRADES            $13.54    $ 541     1     0
* 8020 MILL/PLANING MACH.SET/OPER/TENDERS,M    $13.00    $ 520     1     0
  8130 TOOL AND DIE MAKERS                     $26.24    $1050     2     0
* 7960 DRILL/BORING MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TEND    $23.68    $ 947     3     1
  8740 INSPECTORS/TESTERS/SORTERS/SAMPLERS/    $19.25    $ 770     1     0
  8140 WELDING, SOLDERING, AND BRAZING WORK    $18.81    $ 753     9     2
  7900 COMPUTER CONTROL PROGRAMMERS AND OPE    $18.76    $ 751     1     0
* 8120 MULTIPLE MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TENDERS,    $17.16    $ 686     1     0
  6220 BRICKMASONS, BLOCKMASONS, AND STONEM    $17.00    $ 680     2     0
* 8200 PLATING/COATING MACH.SET/OPER/TENDER    $16.90    $ 676     1     0
* 8750 JEWELERS AND PRECIOUS STONE AND META    $16.72    $ 669     2     2
  8650 CRUSHING/GRINDING/POLISHING/MIXING/B    $16.67    $ 667     6     0
  8810 PAINTING WORKERS                        $16.62    $ 665     1     0
  8220 METAL WORKERS AND PLASTIC WORKERS, A    $16.42    $ 657     4     1
* 8010 LATHE/TURN MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TEND,     $16.29    $ 652     2     0
* 8210 TOOL GRINDERS, FILERS, AND SHARPENER    $16.21    $ 649     7     3
  8000 GRIND/LAP/POLISH/BUFFING MACH.TOOL S    $15.65    $ 626    15     4
* 8100 MOLDERS/MOLD MACH.SET/OPER/TENDERS,M    $15.63    $ 625     5     0
  8965 PRODUCTION WORKERS, ALL OTHER           $15.55    $ 622     3     1
* 8920 MOLDERS/SHAPERS/CASTERS, EXCEPT META    $15.52    $ 621     1     0
  7950 CUT/PUNCH/PRESS MACH.SET/OPER/TEND,M    $14.84    $ 593     4     0
* 8540 WOODWORKING MACH. SET/OPER/TENDERS,     $14.48    $ 579    19     2
* 8530 SAWING MACHINE SETTERS/OPERATORS/TEN    $14.40    $ 576     7     1
  6515 ROOFERS                                 $14.25    $ 570     1     0
  8710 CUTTING WORKERS                         $14.02    $ 561     1     0
* 8950 HELPERS--PRODUCTION WORKERS             $13.76    $ 551     5     0
* 8020 MILL/PLANING MACH.SET/OPER/TENDERS,M    $13.00    $ 520    12     0
* 8440 FABRIC AND APPAREL PATTERNMAKERS        $10.10    $ 404     1     1
* 6700 ELEVATOR INSTALLERS AND REPAIRERS       $33.30    $1332     2     0
* 6910 ROOF BOLTERS, MINING                    $32.78    $1311     1     0
* 6740 RAIL-TRACK LAYING/MAINTENANCE EQUIPM    $26.66    $1067     1     0
  7140 AIRCRAFT MECHANICS AND SERVICE TECHN    $25.94    $1038     1     0
* 7930 FORGING MACH. SET/OPER/TENDERS, META    $25.57    $1023     1     0
  7220 HEAVY VEH./MOBILE EQUIP.SRVC TECHNIC    $24.64    $ 986     6     0
  6660 CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING INSPECTORS    $24.42    $ 977     1     1
* 7730 ENGINE AND OTHER MACHINE ASSEMBLERS     $23.12    $ 925    10     1
  6440 PIPELAYERS/PLUMBERS/PIPEFITTERS/STEA    $23.05    $ 922     4     0
  7330 INDUSTRIAL AND REFRACTORY MACHINERY     $22.77    $ 911    42     9
  7010 COMPUTER/AUTOMATED TELLER/OFFICE MAC    $22.43    $ 897     8     5
  7210 BUS/TRUCK MECHANICS/DIESEL ENGINE SP    $22.15    $ 886     4     0
* 6765 MISCELLANEOUS CONSTRUCTION AND RELAT    $21.82    $ 873     4     1
  7315 HEATING/AC/REFRIGERATION MECHANICS A    $21.75    $ 870     3     0
* 9560 HOIST AND WINCH OPERATORS               $21.49    $ 860     1     0
* 9500 CONVEYOR OPERATORS AND TENDERS          $21.29    $ 851     1     1
* 9520 DREDGE, EXCAVATING, AND LOADING MACH    $20.85    $ 834     1     0
* 8250 PREPRESS TECHNICIANS AND WORKERS        $20.50    $ 820     4     3
* 7040 ELECTRIC MOTOR, POWER TOOL, AND RELA    $20.29    $ 812     1     1
  8030 MACHINISTS                              $20.04    $ 801     1     0
  6530 STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL WORKERS       $20.01    $ 800     2     0
* 6400 INSULATION WORKERS                      $19.40    $ 776     4     1
* 7920 EXTRUD/DRAW MACH.SET/OPER/TENDERS, M    $19.32    $ 773     1     0
  8740 INSPECTORS/TESTERS/SORTERS/SAMPLERS/    $19.25    $ 770    23    16
  8140 WELDING, SOLDERING, AND BRAZING WORK    $18.81    $ 753     4     1
  7900 COMPUTER CONTROL PROGRAMMERS AND OPE    $18.76    $ 751     2     0
* 7350 MAINTENANCE WORKERS, MACHINERY          $18.71    $ 748    13     3
* 8850 ADHESIVE BONDING MACHINE OPERATORS A    $18.28    $ 731     8     2
* 8500 CABINETMAKERS AND BENCH CARPENTERS      $18.18    $ 727     2     2
  6730 HIGHWAY MAINTENANCE WORKERS             $18.07    $ 723     2     0
  7630 OTHER INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, REP    $17.92    $ 717     7     2
* 7940 ROLLING MACH. SET/OPER/TENDERS, META    $17.90    $ 716     4     1
  6230 CARPENTERS                              $17.87    $ 715    14     0
* 8120 MULTIPLE MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TENDERS,    $17.16    $ 686     9     0
  6220 BRICKMASONS, BLOCKMASONS, AND STONEM    $17.00    $ 680     5     0
* 8200 PLATING/COATING MACH.SET/OPER/TENDER    $16.90    $ 676     4     1
* 7550 MANUFACTURED BUILDING AND MOBILE HOM    $16.72    $ 669     1     0
  8255 PRINTING PRESS OPERATORS                $16.67    $ 667     2     0
  8650 CRUSHING/GRINDING/POLISHING/MIXING/B    $16.67    $ 667     4     1
  8810 PAINTING WORKERS                        $16.62    $ 665     8     1
* 7610 HELPERS--INSTALLATION/MAINTENANCE/RE    $16.57    $ 663     7     0
  8220 METAL WORKERS AND PLASTIC WORKERS, A    $16.42    $ 657     9     2
* 8410 TEXTILE KNIT/WEAVING MACH.SETTER/OPE    $16.31    $ 653     8     1
* 8010 LATHE/TURN MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TEND,     $16.29    $ 652     2     0
* 8210 TOOL GRINDERS, FILERS, AND SHARPENER    $16.21    $ 649     3     1
  6260 CONSTRUCTION LABORERS                   $16.14    $ 645     5     0
  6250 CEMENT MASONS/CONCRETE FINISHERS/TER    $15.98    $ 639     2     0
  6240 CARPET, FLOOR, AND TILE INSTALLERS A    $15.93    $ 637     6     0
  8000 GRIND/LAP/POLISH/BUFFING MACH.TOOL S    $15.65    $ 626     8     0
* 8100 MOLDERS/MOLD MACH.SET/OPER/TENDERS,M    $15.63    $ 625     3     0
  8965 PRODUCTION WORKERS, ALL OTHER           $15.55    $ 622    45    19
* 8920 MOLDERS/SHAPERS/CASTERS, EXCEPT META    $15.52    $ 621     1     0
* 6300 PAVING, SURFACING, AND TAMPING EQUIP    $15.47    $ 619     9     5
* 7510 COIN/VENDING/AMUSEMENT MACHINE SERVI    $15.47    $ 619     2     2
  6330 DRYWALL INSTALLERS/CEILING TILE INST    $15.14    $ 606     4     0
  7720 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS/ELECTROMECHAN    $15.04    $ 602     8     4
  7750 MISCELLANEOUS ASSEMBLERS AND FABRICA    $14.86    $ 594     2     1
  7950 CUT/PUNCH/PRESS MACH.SET/OPER/TEND,M    $14.84    $ 593     5     0
* 8720 EXTRUD/FORM/PRESS/COMPACT MACH.SET/O    $14.79    $ 591     3     0
* 8540 WOODWORKING MACH. SET/OPER/TENDERS,     $14.48    $ 579    34     8
* 8530 SAWING MACHINE SETTERS/OPERATORS/TEN    $14.40    $ 576    24     5
* 7240 SMALL ENGINE MECHANICS                  $14.30    $ 572     6     0
  6515 ROOFERS                                 $14.25    $ 570     2     0
  7855 FOOD PROCESSING WORKERS, ALL OTHER      $14.15    $ 566     1     0
  8710 CUTTING WORKERS                         $14.02    $ 561     7     5
* 8420 TEXTILE WIND/TWIST/DRAW OUT MACH.SET    $13.84    $ 554     1     0
* 6430 PAPERHANGERS                            $13.82    $ 553     1     0
* 8950 HELPERS--PRODUCTION WORKERS             $13.76    $ 551     2     0
  9620 LABORERS AND FREIGHT/STOCK/MATERIAL     $13.66    $ 547     1     0
* 6600 HELPERS, CONSTRUCTION TRADES            $13.54    $ 541     3     0
* 6460 PLASTERERS AND STUCCO MASONS            $13.08    $ 523     3     0
  4220 JANITORS AND BUILDING CLEANERS          $13.00    $ 520     1     0
* 8020 MILL/PLANING MACH.SET/OPER/TENDERS,M    $13.00    $ 520     1     0
* 8460 TEXTILE/APPAREL/FURNISHINGS WORKERS,    $12.41    $ 497     1     0
* 6750 SEPTIC TANK SERVICERS AND SEWER PIPE    $11.38    $ 455     1     0
* 6830 EXPLOSIVE WRKRS/ORDNANCE HANDLING EX    $48.12    $1925     2     0
* 8840 SEMICONDUCTOR PROCESSORS                $38.09    $1524     9     6
* 9650 PUMPING STATION OPERATORS               $30.13    $1205     3     3
* 8040 METAL FURNACE OPERATORS/TENDERS/POUR    $29.83    $1193     1     0
* 9230 RAILROAD BRAKE, SIGNAL, AND SWITCH O    $29.63    $1185     1     0
  5550 POSTAL SERVICE MAIL CARRIERS            $25.86    $1035     1     0
  6940 OTHER EXTRACTION WORKERS                $25.74    $1030     1     0
  2720 ATHLETES, COACHES, UMPIRES, AND RELA    $25.07    $1003     2     2
  4840 SALES REPRESENTATIVES, SERVICES, ALL    $24.49    $ 980     1     1
* 3840 PARKING ENFORCEMENT WORKERS             $24.01    $ 961     1     1
* 7960 DRILL/BORING MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TEND    $23.68    $ 947     4     2
  7330 INDUSTRIAL AND REFRACTORY MACHINERY     $22.77    $ 911     1     0
  5600 PRODUCTION, PLANNING, AND EXPEDITING    $22.54    $ 901     4     3
  8640 CHEMICAL PROCESSING MACH.SETTERS/OPE    $22.36    $ 894    59    28
* 2750 MUSICIANS, SINGERS, AND RELATED WORK    $21.85    $ 874     1     1
* 5230 CREDIT AUTHORIZERS, CHECKERS, AND CL    $21.52    $ 861     1     1
* 9500 CONVEYOR OPERATORS AND TENDERS          $21.29    $ 851    11     4
* 8150 HEAT TREAT EQUIP. SET/OPER/TENDERS,     $20.70    $ 828     3     1
  4965 SALES AND RELATED WORKERS, ALL OTHER    $20.67    $ 827     1     1
* 8250 PREPRESS TECHNICIANS AND WORKERS        $20.50    $ 820     1     1
* 7850 FOOD COOKING MACHINE OPERATORS AND T    $19.55    $ 782     7     2
  5510 COURIERS AND MESSENGERS                 $19.45    $ 778     7     6
* 8730 FURNACE/KILN/OVEN/DRIER/KETTLE OPERA    $19.43    $ 777    42     9
* 7920 EXTRUD/DRAW MACH.SET/OPER/TENDERS, M    $19.32    $ 773     1     1
  9130 DRIVER/SALES WORKERS AND TRUCK DRIVE    $19.27    $ 771     5     2
  8740 INSPECTORS/TESTERS/SORTERS/SAMPLERS/    $19.25    $ 770   166   137
* 7830 FOOD/TOBACCO ROAST/BAKING/DRYING MAC    $19.04    $ 762     5     4
  8140 WELDING, SOLDERING, AND BRAZING WORK    $18.81    $ 753     9     5
* 3945 TRANSPORTATION SECURITY SCREENERS       $18.74    $ 749     1     1
* 7350 MAINTENANCE WORKERS, MACHINERY          $18.71    $ 748     8     5
  5940 OFFICE/ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT WORKER    $18.69    $ 747     2     2
  7200 AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE TECHNICIANS AND M    $18.56    $ 742     1     1
* 9750 MATERIAL MOVING WORKERS, ALL OTHER      $18.53    $ 741     4     1
* 8850 ADHESIVE BONDING MACHINE OPERATORS A    $18.28    $ 731    22    18
* 9420 OTHER TRANSPORTATION WORKERS            $18.20    $ 728     1     1
  5120 BOOKKEEPING, ACCOUNTING, AND AUDITIN    $17.92    $ 717     1     1
  7630 OTHER INSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE, REP    $17.92    $ 717     3     1
* 7940 ROLLING MACH. SET/OPER/TENDERS, META    $17.90    $ 716     2     0
  6230 CARPENTERS                              $17.87    $ 715     3     0
* 1900 AGRICULTURAL AND FOOD SCIENCE TECHNI    $17.61    $ 705     1     0
  5420 INFORMATION AND RECORD CLERKS, ALL O    $17.51    $ 701     1     1
  5630 WEIGHERS/MEASURERS/CHECKERS/SAMPLERS    $16.93    $ 677    12     9
* 8200 PLATING/COATING MACH.SET/OPER/TENDER    $16.90    $ 676    14     5
* 5320 LIBRARY ASSISTANTS, CLERICAL            $16.70    $ 668     1     0
  8255 PRINTING PRESS OPERATORS                $16.67    $ 667    12     9
  8650 CRUSHING/GRINDING/POLISHING/MIXING/B    $16.67    $ 667    89    39
  5110 BILLING AND POSTING CLERKS              $16.65    $ 666     1     1
  8810 PAINTING WORKERS                        $16.62    $ 665    68    46
* 9150 MOTOR VEHICLE OPERATORS, ALL OTHER      $16.62    $ 665     1     1
  5820 WORD PROCESSORS AND TYPISTS             $16.57    $ 663     1     1
* 7610 HELPERS--INSTALLATION/MAINTENANCE/RE    $16.57    $ 663     2     0
  8220 METAL WORKERS AND PLASTIC WORKERS, A    $16.42    $ 657    40    23
* 8010 LATHE/TURN MACH.TOOL SET/OPER/TEND,     $16.29    $ 652     4     4
  6260 CONSTRUCTION LABORERS                   $16.14    $ 645     1     0
  5860 OFFICE CLERKS, GENERAL                  $15.98    $ 639    11    10
  6240 CARPET, FLOOR, AND TILE INSTALLERS A    $15.93    $ 637     1     0
* 6110 HUNTERS AND TRAPPERS                    $15.91    $ 636     1     0
  5310 INTERVIEWERS, EXCEPT ELIGIBILITY AND    $15.78    $ 631     4     4
  8000 GRIND/LAP/POLISH/BUFFING MACH.TOOL S    $15.65    $ 626    16    12
* 8100 MOLDERS/MOLD MACH.SET/OPER/TENDERS,M    $15.63    $ 625     9     4
  8965 PRODUCTION WORKERS, ALL OTHER           $15.55    $ 622   618   422
* 8920 MOLDERS/SHAPERS/CASTERS, EXCEPT META    $15.52    $ 621     8     4
* 3940 CROSSING GUARDS                         $15.45    $ 618     2     2
  5850 MAIL CLERKS/MAIL MACH.OPERATORS, EXC    $15.45    $ 618     6     6
* 9415 TRANSPORTATION ATTENDANTS, EXC. FLIG    $15.42    $ 617     4     3
  4760 RETAIL SALESPERSONS                     $15.35    $ 614     1     1
* 4530 BAGGAGE PORTERS, BELLHOPS, AND CONCI    $15.32    $ 613     2     0
* 5900 OFFICE MACHINE OPERATORS, EXCEPT COM    $15.32    $ 613     3     2
* 8860 CLEAN/WASH/METAL PICKLING EQUIP. OPE    $15.19    $ 608    24    12
* 8900 COOLING AND FREEZING EQUIPMENT OPERA    $15.12    $ 605     6     4
  7720 ELECTRICAL/ELECTRONICS/ELECTROMECHAN    $15.04    $ 602    13    12
* 4460 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL ATTENDANTS        $15.01    $ 601     1     0
  9600 INDUSTRIAL TRUCK AND TRACTOR OPERATO    $14.99    $ 600     1     0
  5350 ORDER CLERKS                            $14.96    $ 599     1     1
  7750 MISCELLANEOUS ASSEMBLERS AND FABRICA    $14.86    $ 594     3     2
  5610 SHIPPING, RECEIVING, AND TRAFFIC CLE    $14.84    $ 593     2     2
  7950 CUT/PUNCH/PRESS MACH.SET/OPER/TEND,M    $14.84    $ 593    15     9
* 8720 EXTRUD/FORM/PRESS/COMPACT MACH.SET/O    $14.79    $ 591    51    27
  9140 TAXI DRIVERS AND CHAUFFEURS             $14.79    $ 591     1     1
* 9630 MACHINE FEEDERS AND OFFBEARERS          $14.68    $ 587   220   108
* 8540 WOODWORKING MACH. SET/OPER/TENDERS,     $14.48    $ 579    39    21
* 8530 SAWING MACHINE SETTERS/OPERATORS/TEN    $14.40    $ 576     9     7
  5400 RECEPTIONISTS AND INFORMATION CLERKS    $14.20    $ 568     2     2
  7855 FOOD PROCESSING WORKERS, ALL OTHER      $14.15    $ 566    23    15
* 8256 PRINT BINDING AND FINISHING WORKERS     $14.12    $ 565     2     0
  8710 CUTTING WORKERS                         $14.02    $ 561   122    90
* 8420 TEXTILE WIND/TWIST/DRAW OUT MACH.SET    $13.84    $ 554    23    11
* 6430 PAPERHANGERS                            $13.82    $ 553     1     1
* 8950 HELPERS--PRODUCTION WORKERS             $13.76    $ 551   341   149
* 6130 LOGGING WORKERS                         $13.71    $ 549     2     0
* 8830 PHOTOGRAPHIC PROCESS WRKRS/PROCESSIN    $13.69    $ 548     5     4
  9620 LABORERS AND FREIGHT/STOCK/MATERIAL     $13.66    $ 547    14     2
  7810 BUTCHERS/OTHER MEAT/POULTRY/FISH PRO    $13.59    $ 543    17     8
  5620 STOCK CLERKS AND ORDER FILLERS          $13.54    $ 541     7     4
* 6600 HELPERS, CONSTRUCTION TRADES            $13.54    $ 541     3     0
* 8360 TEXTILE BLEACHING/DYEING MACH. OPERA    $13.54    $ 541     9     4
* 4650 PERSONAL CARE AND SERVICE WORKERS, A    $13.46    $ 538     7     7
  4740 COUNTER AND RENTAL CLERKS               $13.28    $ 531    10     8
  3655 MISC. HLTH SUPPORT OCCS, INCL. MED.     $13.08    $ 523     1     0
  4220 JANITORS AND BUILDING CLEANERS          $13.00    $ 520    11     2
* 8020 MILL/PLANING MACH.SET/OPER/TENDERS,M    $13.00    $ 520     8     7
* 8400 TEXTILE CUTTING MACHINE SETTERS/OPER    $12.95    $ 518    14    11
* 2700 ACTORS                                  $12.92    $ 517     4     4
  8800 PACKAGING AND FILLING MACHINE OPERAT    $12.92    $ 517    44    33
* 8340 SHOE MACHINE OPERATORS AND TENDERS      $12.82    $ 513     1     1
  3955 LIFEGUARDS/REC./OTHER PROTECTIVE SER    $12.69    $ 508     2     2
  4430 MISC. ENTERTAINMENT ATTENDANTS AND R    $12.64    $ 506    25    17
* 4950 DOOR-TO-DOOR SALES/NEWS/STREET VENDO    $12.46    $ 499     6     4
* 8350 TAILORS, DRESSMAKERS, AND SEWERS        $12.41    $ 497     6     4
  4040 BARTENDERS                              $12.39    $ 496     2     2
  4120 FOOD SERVERS, NONRESTAURANT             $12.28    $ 491     2     1
  4250 GROUNDS MAINTENANCE WORKERS             $12.26    $ 490     6     0
* 4540 TOUR AND TRAVEL GUIDES                  $12.00    $ 480     2     2
* 8310 PRESSERS, TEXTILE, GARMENT, AND RELA    $11.82    $ 473    21    17
  9360 AUTOMOTIVE AND WATERCRAFT SERVICE AT    $11.56    $ 462     2     0
  6050 MISCELLANEOUS AGRICULTURAL WORKERS      $11.50    $ 460    25     3
* 6100 FISHERS AND RELATED FISHING WORKERS     $11.48    $ 459     6     1
  9610 CLEANERS OF VEHICLES AND EQUIPMENT      $11.48    $ 459    41    10
  4350 NONFARM ANIMAL CARETAKERS               $11.19    $ 448     2     1
  4110 WAITERS AND WAITRESSES                  $11.12    $ 445     1     1
  6040 GRADERS AND SORTERS, AGRICULTURAL PR    $11.09    $ 444     5     3
  8300 LAUNDRY AND DRY-CLEANING WORKERS        $11.09    $ 444     8     4
  9350 PARKING LOT ATTENDANTS                  $10.93    $ 437     2     2
  9640 PACKERS AND PACKAGERS, HAND             $10.93    $ 437    46    28
* 4160 FOOD PREPARATION/SERVING RELATED WOR    $10.83    $ 433     2     2
* 4900 MODELS, DEMONSTRATORS, AND PRODUCT P    $10.83    $ 433     3     3
  4230 MAIDS AND HOUSEKEEPING CLEANERS         $10.80    $ 432     6     3
* 6120 FOREST AND CONSERVATION WORKERS         $10.75    $ 430     4     0
  4600 CHILDCARE WORKERS                       $10.57    $ 423     1     0
  8320 SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS                $10.44    $ 418    32    32
  4030 FOOD PREPARATION WORKERS                $10.39    $ 416     5     2
  4050 COMBINED FOOD PREP/SERVING WRKRS, IN    $10.36    $ 415     1     1
  4720 CASHIERS                                $10.21    $ 408     7     6
  4130 DINING ROOM/CAFETERIA ATTENDANTS/BAR    $10.05    $ 402     4     1
  4060 COUNTER ATTENDANTS/CAFETR/FOOD CONCE    $ 9.53    $ 381     2     2
  4140 DISHWASHERS                             $ 9.40    $ 376     3     1
* 8330 SHOE AND LEATHER WORKERS AND REPAIRE    $ 8.29    $ 331     1     1
* 4420 USHERS, LOBBY ATTENDANTS, AND TICKET    $ 6.75    $ 270     5     5
  The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports the national annual median
  values of the weekly wage information collected by the Bureau of the
  Census during its monthly Current Population Survey (CPS).  Monthly
  results of the CPS are collapsed into an annual pool of data, from which
  the median value is calculated for each CENSUS occupational group.  The
  median value represents all full-time employed workers  (except the
  self-employed).  The median wage does not mean the starting wage; rather
  it is a point which is equidistant from both minimum (entry-level) and
  maximum reported wages.  Starting wage is often 20-30% below the median.
  Average wage calculations below use the median wage estimate for the
  CENSUS occupational group to which each DOT code belongs, as identified
  through the preceding Pre-Injury / Post-Injury Analysis.  Use care in
  generalizing from these figures since these calculations assume that
  the occupational titles occur with equal frequency.
  Local adjustments are based on salary differential equations in the
  "Geographic Assessor" developed by the BTA Economic Research Institute.
                             |     PRE-INJURY     |    POST-INJURY     |
          OCCUPATIONAL GROUP | N occ*   Avg. Wage | N occ*   Avg. Wage |
                             |                    |                    |
       DIRECTLY TRANSFERABLE |    65    $  747    |    10    $  768    |
                             |                    |                    |
                             |                    |                    |
        CLOSELY TRANSFERABLE |   116    $  633    |    18    $  648    |
                             |                    |                    |
                             |                    |                    |
      GENERALLY TRANSFERABLE |   437    $  707    |   106    $  706    |
                             |                    |                    |
                             |                    |                    |
          TOTAL TRANSFERABLE |   618    $  697    |   134    $  703    |
                             |                    |                    |
                             |                    |                    |
                   UNSKILLED |  2675    $  614    |  1591    $  617    |
                             |                    |                    |
         * N occ is the number of DOT occupations in each group.